Monday, April 16, 2007


*i forgot to share with you guys that i have started to exercise again...yay!..for the past 4 days that is. my exercise regime consists of my big buns and my flabby-full-of-fat abs.
*i haven't finish my machining assignment yet.
*i'm officially fakir give ur 'zakat' to me.
*was a very long day in uni
*accidentally wearing the same bag as Muhammad in Uni just now(yeah...the fitness first bag)
*still disagree with the fact that the price of fish n chips in uni increased by 4 dollars for the past one year. i hate vsu!
*n yeah..that awkward moment with John, Joy and Jason(oh..i should call them The J's) during lunch now. Thank God, John break the slence by asking Joy " ur housemate in Japan now?". hehehe.
that's all the updates for today. keep on reading my blog because maybe u'll miss my biggest secret ever!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

what do i think of myself

hehehe...i have nothing better to here it is:
1. I'm funny, i have been told that i can be a good tv presenter (i want to work in MTV) since i know how to make people laugh. do u agree with this?
2. i'm knowledgeable, every morning its my habit to read current news from Malaysia and from around the world, i love browsing through wikipedia and skyscrapercity. i hope it would do me good during my interview with petronas next year.
3. i'm into politics..ask faiz about it...people are just annoyed when 2 of us talk about politics.
4. into himself, yes...i think i'm gorgeous.
5. unmotivated...for this year that is..but trying hard to change it
6. i'm in need to elaborate
7. talkative...very..
8. i like awkward moments..its funny.
9. i like to stay at home rather than travelling around.
10. i have a small circle of friends. would love to expand it.
11. i don't like argument...sometimes i cried because of it..if the argument is to intense.
12. Proud to be a Sarawakian
13. I'm not racist.

ok...Thats all for u agree that i am all of the above


i hate it...setiap kali nak buat sesuatu mesti bersemangat giler...lepas tu 5 minutes after that...malas lagi!...i want my sem 2 second year motivation back! ok...nasiblah hari ni dah buat balik semester was 5 weeks over due! Kazar, ingat masa itu emas! Anyways, i'm going to discuss the CNC code with Muhammad my lovely roomate later. Chiowz

Friday, April 13, 2007

reaksi terhadap kenyataan PAS wilayah persekutuan tentang artis lembut

Selebriti lembut pengaruhi remaja masakini, kata Pemuda PAS WP
Apr 12, 07 5:46pm

Dewan Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan (DPPWP) bersetuju dengan pandangan Anggota Exco Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu, Datuk Rosol Wahid bahawa selebriti lembut telah banyak mempengaruhi para remaja masakini. “Media massa, terutamanya saluran televisyen dan radio telah banyak mempromosikan golongan ini sama ada sebagai pengacara, artis, atau pesonaliti media,” kata Ketua Penerangan DPPWP Herman Samsudeen. Katanya, mereka telah diberikan ruang seluas-luasnya untuk menampilkan bakat dan pesonaliti lembut mereka yang kadangkala seperti dibuat-buat. “DPPWP melihat bahawa Kerajaan BN Negeri Terengganu turut bersama dengan mereka bagi mempromosikan golongan ini,” katanya.

Herman mengulas laporan media hari ini yang menyebut Terengganu kini mengalami masalah peningkatan golongan 'pondan' atau lebih lembut lagi disebut sebagai 'mak nyah. Laporan akhbar Kosmo hari ini, memetik pengakuan rasmi Rosol yang juga Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Islam Hadhari dan Kebajikan Terengganu mengenai peningkatan gejala yang tidak sihat ini di negeri itu. Herman mendakwa, program perkampungan Islam Hadhari di Terengganu sebenarnya satu penipuan massa yang dilakukan oleh kerajaan negeri bagi memikat rakyat. “Hakikatnya, program tersebut jika dilakukan di negeri lain...ianya dipanggil Karnival Jom Heboh yang dahulunya dikenali sebagai Sure Heboh.
Di sinilah kerajaan negeri bersekongkol dengan pihak media dan artis bagi mempromosikan selebriti lembut ini seterusnya merosakan belia dan remaja Terengganu,” tegasnya. Merebak ke Pantai Timur Bagi DPPWP, katanya, fenomena mak nyah ini bukanlah sesuatu yang luar biasa kerana ia sudah lama bertapak di Kuala Lumpur, sebuah negeri yang ditadbir oleh BN. Kini, tegas Herman, kudis dan kejelekan itu telah merebak ke Pantai Timur melalui Gelombang Biru. “Dahulu rakyat Terengganu bangga dengan perkataan Darul Iman, kini mereka harus malu kerana kesilapan mereka yang memilih pemimpin yang lemah dan banyak membawa kemaksiatan ke negeri tersebut,” tambahnya. Oleh itu, kata Herman, DPPWP menyeru rakyat Terengganu supaya bangkit sebelum “anak-anak anda juga menjadi mak nyah, (dan) seterusnya memalukan seluruh kaum kerabat dan suku sakat anda'. “DPPWP sedar bahawa memang ada manusia yang dilahirkan dengan jiwa yang lembut walaupun hakikatnya mereka itu adalah lelaki. tetapi mereka seharusnya memahami fitrah semulajadi dan tidak terlalu mengikutkan naluri serta nafsu semata-mata,” katanya. Tindakan memenjarakan golongan ini juga gagal menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dan oleh itu, sesuatu perlu dilakukan untuk membantu mereka. “DPPWP yakin PAS Terengganu mampu melakukannya. DPPWP berharap rakyat Terengganu belajar daripada pengalaman ini, dan bangkit membuat perubahan dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang,” katanya.
pendapat saya: first of all, i'm really mad when i read this article. its attacking people for who they are. labelling them as unhealthy aka someone with a disease. Ok, PAS, thats y u r irrelevant nowadays, highly conservative and extreme. This people u called 'mak nyah' never attack u personally, and y did u attack them? What if i publish my opinion by saying in a newspaper saying that PAS is irrelevant, unhealthy and f*&ckingly conservative?...PAS...u will never get my vote n the young malaysian's vote in the upcoming election.
why do the current media choose this 'mak nyah's n 'lembut's as a presenter or pengacara? This is because of their personality like, outgoing, funny, extroverted etc. And Of course, any media company will not be stupid enough to hire anyone with a 'serban' or someone with a 'tudung labuh' talking gossips about artists. it would be weird isn't it?(and dont tell me that we can't touch this issue because it's sensitive, well..its least in the 60's and 70's).
PAS and Rosol, people are now more mature than u think. its their freedom to choose what they want to be with a certain limits. N i believe that there's a limit to everything that we do. we just can't have a total freedom. the problem with them (PAS and Rosol) is they sets the limits too low where people just can't breath under this limits. U can't do this ... u can't do that..yada yada yada..n the worst thing of all is they put their personal opinions under the name of Islam! That's y people will just follow what they say because majority of people especially citizens of Malaysia can't criticise them because the word 'Islam' is there. Ur not Rasul or Nabi where u can't be criticise.
and the last thing, 'mak nyah' and 'lembut' is a part of the malaysian society for a very long time. And extremism is not part of any religion or society in this world. So, get out from Malaysia since u r not part of Malaysia..shusssshhhhh.